Glass Of Water Game Cover
Game Title

Glass Of Water
review and description
by Dsibe top

review and description by Dsibe top

Glass of Water is a short but intense horror experience that will have your heart racing in just a few minutes. The premise is simple - you wake up thirsty in the middle of the night and need to go get a glass of water from the kitchen. But as soon as you start making your way through the dark house, it becomes clear that something sinister is afoot.

The game doesn't waste any time with a long setup, dropping you right into the unsettling atmosphere. The visuals nail that creepy, vintage horror vibe with the dated furniture and decor. The lighting is used perfectly to create all sorts of scary shadows and dark corners where threats could be lurking. The sound design is also on point, with creepy ambient noises and sharp cracks that will make you jump.

While the gameplay is extremely simple, just moving around the house and interacting with a few objects, the developers pack a ton of scares into that short experience. From creepy ghostly figures materializing in the halls to the terrifying jumpscare towards the end, Glass of Water had my heart pounding. I don't want to give away too many of the specific scares, but let's just say you may think twice about using the microwave after playing this game.

For being made in just a single day, Glass of Water is an incredibly polished and well-executed horror game. The attention to detail in creating that fear-inducing atmosphere is seriously impressive for such a short development time. My only real complaint is that I wanted more! The 3-8 minute play time just wasn't enough to fully satisfy my horror game craving.

In summary, Glass of Water makes brilliant use of simplicity to create a bite-sized but memorable horror experience. The scares land perfectly, the atmosphere is gloomy and terrifying, and the attention to unsettling details is fantastic. If you're looking for a quick horror fix, this free game is an easy recommendation. Just be ready to fear getting up for a late night glass of water ever again!

Technical Specifications:
- Genre: Horror, Adventure
- Platforms: Windows
- Developer: Combo Bomb Games
- Engine: Unreal Engine
- Playtime: 3-8 minutes
- Free to download

Official Description:
"Glass of water is a short horror game about you getting a glass of water. Watch out for loud noises and jumpscares! Made in just 1 day, but an impressive and scary experience."


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