Silver Thread Deux Game Cover
Game Title

Silver Thread Deux
review and description
by Dsibe top

review and description by Dsibe top

Silver Thread Deux is the sequel to the popular indie visual novel/adventure game Silver Thread. Developed by solo creator Spicaze using RPG Maker MV, it continues the supernatural investigations of the skeptical exorcist Alicia Wilkershire.

The story follows Alicia as she is hired to look into strange occurrences at an old theater rumored to be haunted. Accompanied by her dry-witted assistant Beaford, she delves into the mystery, meeting an eccentric cast of characters along the way. True to its horror/mystery premise, the player must carefully examine clues and testimonies to unravel what is really going on behind the scenes.

Right off the bat, the pixel art visuals are striking, with beautiful character portraits and detailed environments. The dream-like opening sequence is a particular highlight. The soundtrack also sets an atmospheric, sometimes unsettling tone that fits the supernatural themes perfectly.

But what truly shines is the witty, engaging writing and character interactions. Alicia and Beaford have a delightfully sarcastic rapport that provides frequent humor amid the spooky proceedings. The supporting cast like Malachy and Caspian are also distinct and intriguing personalities. There are surprisingly heartfelt character moments as well, hinting at deeper emotional layers.

Gameplay is relatively simple point-and-click investigation, but made more involving through newly introduced "Show Evidence" and "Talk" mechanics. These allow you to directly challenge characters' statements by presenting proof or having Alicia voice her thoughts. It makes you feel more like an active detective piecing together the truth.

The mystery itself is well-constructed, leaving a trail of breadcrumbs that is satisfying to follow and unravel. There are great "aha!" moments when disparate clues click into place. The finale also has two distinct endings depending on whether you solved the case or not.

With an estimated 1-1.5 hours of playtime, Silver Thread Deux is a concise but highly polished and memorable experience. While prior knowledge of the first game provides extra context, it works perfectly fine as a stand-alone supernatural murder mystery. Between the excellent spooky atmosphere, smart writing, and clever investigation gameplay, it proves to be a stellar indie visual novel adventure.

If you're a fan of the genre, supernatural fiction, great characters and storytelling, or just want a short sharp burst of sleuthing, Silver Thread Deux is well worth playing. With the door left open for further installments, one can only hope Alicia's paranormal cases will continue to delight and chill in future releases.


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